Snowboarding Tricks: A Guide to Improving Your Skills

By LeeMoio

Snowboarding Tricks

Snowboarding is a thrilling winter sport that has been growing in popularity for decades. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, there are always new tricks to learn and ways to improve your skills. In this guide, we will explore some of the most popular snowboarding tricks and offer tips on how to master them.

The Classic Ollie

Snowboarding Tricks

The Ollie is one of the most basic snowboarding tricks, but it is also the foundation for many other tricks. It involves jumping while keeping your snowboard flat on the ground and then snapping it up into the air. To perform an Ollie, you need to pop your tail down, then jump while pulling your front foot up and forward. The key to a successful Ollie is to have a smooth, quick motion that generates enough momentum to get your board off the ground.

Remember to shift your body weight to your back leg right before you jump, then when you are in the air, lead with your front leg. As you master this trick, you will be able to jump higher and land with both feet comfortably.

Meet The Backwards Ollie, Nollie

The opposite of an Ollie, the Nollie is where you lead with your back leg right after performing a jump. While in the air, you take your front leg and lift it in line with your back foot. For those who are comfortable performing the Ollie, the Nollie will take a very short amount of time to master and is a cool addition to any snowboarder’s growing repertoire of tricks.

Mid Air Tricks: The Melon and the Indy

When you’ve caught some sweet air off a jump or a ramp, reach down and grab the heel side of your board between your feet, that’s your first Melon trick! To perform the Indy, grab the board’s toe edge in the air but remember to let go and reposition yourself before you land. These 2 tricks are easy to perform, and they feel amazing when you’re doing them in the air, so be sure to try it!

Mid Air Tricks: The Nose Grab and the Tail Grab

For your next set of airborne tricks, perform your first Nose Grab by reaching and holding the front of your board while in the air. Give yourself enough time to reposition yourself after you let go for a smoother landing.

Snowboarding Tricks

The Tail Grab is a stylish trick that involves grabbing the tail of your snowboard with one hand while in the air. To perform this trick, you need to jump, reach down with your backhand, grab the tail of the board, then bring your knees up and land smoothly. The good thing about these tricks is that they never stop looking cool even if you’re performed them a thousand times over!

50-50 Tricking

The 50-50 trick is your introduction to the world of snowboard slides. It involves riding your snowboard along a rail or box while balancing your weight equally on both feet. To perform this trick, you need to approach the rail or box at a steady pace and keep your knees bent. As you reach the rail or box, shift your weight over the middle of the board and use your edges to keep it balanced.

It sounds easier in theory, but you just need to take some time to practice the balancing part of the trick, which should be the hardest. Find shorter rails to practice on at first, before moving on to longer and higher rails as you gain more confidence in keeping yourself balanced.

Frontside 180

The Frontside 180 is a turning trick that involves riding down the slope, then jumping and spinning 180 degrees while in the air. To perform this trick, you need to start by riding down the slope, then jump and turn your front shoulder towards the slope. As you spin, keep your knees bent and use your arms to help control the rotation.

Backside 180

The reverse of the Frontside 180, when you’re going downhill and leading with your left leg forward, do a jump and rotate in a clockwise motion until your right leg becomes your leading leg. You need to move in a precise and smooth motion so it might take some practice in the beginning but it should come to you naturally over time.

Do the Butter

The Butter is a neat trick that’s basically the same as the Frontside and Backside 180, except this time, you’re switching the board while you’re still in contact with the snow. This trick is harder to do because you must fight against the friction of the snow so make sure to put some leg muscle into it! You can twist your legs from the hip for additional strength which helps to perform the trick successfully.

Board Slide: The Board Slide is a rail trick that involves riding your snowboard along a rail while keeping your weight over the rail. To perform this trick, you need to approach the rail at a steady pace, then shift your weight over the rail and use your edges to balance. As you ride along the rail, keep your knees bent and use your arms to help control your balance.

Snowboarding Tricks

The Backside 360

The Backside 360 is a spinning trick that involves riding down the slope, then jumping and spinning 360 degrees while in the air. To perform this trick, you need to start by riding down the slope, then jump and turn your back shoulder towards the slope. As you spin, keep your knees bent and use your arms to help control the rotation.

In conclusion, snowboarding tricks are a great way to add excitement to your rides and push your limits as a rider. However, it is important to remember that these tricks can be dangerous if not performed properly. Always start with the basics and practice in a safe environment before attempting more advanced tricks. With patience and perseverance, you will be able to master these tricks and take your snowboarding skills to the next level.


About the author

I'm Lee, 15 years of skiing experience mainly in Europe, I hope you like my posts! :)



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